In 2004, JR Creative Studios launched as an outsourcing firm, specializing in advertising, marketing, art and design, with a strong focus on concept-to-completion television, radio, and print advertising campaigns. Over the years, JR Creative Studios has changed as has its name. Today, JRCreative concentrates on the visual and literary arts, provides thought-provoking content in expressive and inspiring ways.

Jeannie E. Roberts brings a diverse background to JRCreative. She approaches her projects with a well-rounded perspective by blending her education with her creative and analytical experience. She holds a Bachelor of Science in secondary education and a Master of Arts in arts and cultural management (nonprofit). She has worked in the areas of management and administration; training and education; marketing and advertising; technology and information systems; fashion and talent recruitment and representation.
She has taught a variety of subjects in public and private schools as well as in corporate and technical environments. Her licenses include K-12 art and substitute teaching, undergraduate art and design, self-development, and commercial modeling. Her education and experience include grant, creative, and end-user documentation writing.
Born in Minneapolis, she has authored seven books. Her poetry, photography, and artistic work appears in online journals, magazines, and print anthologies. She has exhibited her drawings and paintings in the Midwest and in Mexico City, and her artwork hangs in corporate and home settings.